Blog Posts

Simple Homemade Jig for Cabinet Door Pulls

I’m a big fan of paternity leave.  It’s nice.  The new baby is great!  I honestly thought I’d have a little more free time to work on some home projects, but I’ve been swamped with school work and family baby time.  No complaints!  I did manage to knock a few items off my “to-do” list […]

April 24th, 2013
Fix a Broken Ektorp Couch

Last week we started discussing our plans for the sitting room immediately attached to our Master Bedroom.  Over the weekend we managed to knock a few items off of our to-do list for this space starting with the couch.  Lisa’s parents generously bought us a beautiful couch for Christmas from Ikea!  We did a walk […]

January 6th, 2013
Assemble an Ikea Product without Losing Your Mind

Yeeeppp.  Like most DIYers, Lisa and I are big fans of Ikea products.  My first bedroom after college was ALL ikea furniture (It’s currently our guest bedroom digs).  For Christmas, my mom bought our daughter the Ikea Moose Rocking Chair.  We’ve put off assembling it for a few weeks with all the floor projects and […]

January 20th, 2012
Grow your DIY Skills
Today is the day to start learning how to add value to your home.
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