Our Paint Weekend

November 7th, 2011

Hope everyone had a great weekend!  Ours was hectic as usual and we didn’t get as much done as we’d like, but this week, it’s ON.  We got a little painting done in the garage yesterday and I’m planning on wrapping that up by this time next week, because we’re already planning our entryway project!!

On Friday we posted a poll to help us pick our paint color.  We were a little undecided, but after seeing the results and staring at the painted samples on the wall all weekend, we decided on the Accessible Beige.  Sherwin Williams has a 40% off sale, which ends today, so we’ll be picking up at least 5 gallons this afternoon.  Sweeeettttt

Here are some shots of the garage progress…

The spackle came out silky smooth.Here’s the paint we used.  It’s Olympic ONE from Lowes.  The paint trays are biodegradable.  Not sure how it’s biodegradable when it’s covered in 5 mils of dried latex paint, but whatever.
One tip I highly recommend when using a paint roller extension is to use a metal tipped extension rod.  The plastic ones always break off inside the roller.  I’ve got about 2-3 paint rollers with snapped off plastic tips in them.

Even though we only got about an hour’s worth of painting into it, we’re really happy with how bright and clean the walls look.  Can’t wait to finish this!!

I’m probably going to pick up a propane powered space heater so I can finish the painting after work during the week.  It’s starting to get pretty cold around here.  I’d really love to finish this before the winter.

Also up for this week:

I’ll be purchasing a new compound miter saw, because my current one is a death trap.  For real, it’s missing the finger guard and one of the buttons.  Death trap.  So, I’ll show you what I look for when I buy one.  We’ll need it for the entryway upgrade.


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