Our First Video

December 19th, 2011

The last week or so has been crazy busy.  On top of the regular Christmas run-around, Lisa and I have been furiously busy with our grand plans; add to that a last-minute work trip to San Diego.  So bear with us as we try to squeeze in a couple quality posts between now and Christmas!!

This past weekend, we were able to finish painting our added trim and finally started painting the beige!!  Not gonna lie, it looks awesome!  Most importantly, Lisa LOVES it.  Pheww!  If she’s happy = I’m happy.

First the trim:  after two coats of semi-gloss paint on the actual trim piece and three coats of paint on the wall between the trim and the crown molding, it looks pretty decent.  The in-between part is still not quite as glossy as the wood, so we may revisit this once all the beige is on and maybe UP the glossy level for that small section.  TBD.

Now for the beige.  We prepped and painted the morning room and we’re really happy with everything…. the level of shade, the paint quality, the overall look, you name it!  Although, I definitely could have done a cleaner job cutting in the ceiling.  I used a crappy brush and now I’m going to go back and clean it up with my Purdy brush later this week.  Oh well!

Here’s a photo of that room before we painted it.

Even more fun than painting is the new time lapse video we shot!! I setup the camera and recorded me painting the morning room from painter’s tape to finish!  Check it out below.  I’m no Steven Spielberg, but it was a lot of fun to shoot.  See if you can catch Lisa goofing off!!  If you blink, you miss it!

Pretty cool ay?  Later this week, we’ll have the after photos from the morning room.  All I have right now is the photos from the movie.

Plus, before Christmas… Lisa and I are listing our favorite Christmas songs!  Not guaranteed to be free from Elf quotes, but I’ll try to keep them at a minimum. Anyone else doing any holiday home improvements?

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