Vestibule: Painted

January 2nd, 2012

New Year: New Colors. Since we moved into our new home in July of 2010, we haven’t done much interior painting. We DID paint the outside of our front door and we painted our nursery before the baby was born. But other than that, the white walls have been here as long as we have. Well, the week before Christmas, we changed all that. First, we started with the morning room. We had gotten a quote from a painter for the vestibule, but before he came over and our money was spent, we wanted to be sure we really loved the color. Nevermind that we already bought an un-returnable 11 gallons of non-VOC Accessible Beige from Sherwin Williams.

After we painted the morning room in our first video, we knew we made the right color choice. So we painted the living room too. We REALLY love it. Thus, we gave the go-ahead to the painter to paint the 2-story vestibule; he ended up painting the upstairs hallway as well. Overall, he did a great job. We weren’t at all worried though since he was recommended to us by our neighbors. If anyone is looking for a painter in South Jersey, let us know and we’ll give you his number. He started on a Wednesday morning and he was done after lunch the following day. I’ll be posting more on his painting skills later as they’re worth writing about. I definitely picked up a couple things.

Here are the after photos…





Oh and remember that molding we added just below our crown molding? It really pops now that it’s been painted.

We’re really happy with how that came out. It adds some depth and complexity to an otherwise normal crown. Despite all that work, we still have to paint the family room, kitchen, and figure out what we’re doing in the dining room all before the end of January and that doesn’t even include our bedrooms. Why January? You’ll see…

How was your Christmas break? Did you get any projects done? How about any painting?

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