Custom Media Cabinet Part 7: How to Cut Plywood

October 27th, 2013

After a busy week and a half here at home, things are finally getting back to normal.  I had a midterm in my night class and things at work got nuts for a bit.  Rather than scramble to throw a post together, I thought it would be best just to wait until things cooled off.

In today’s post we pick up right where we left off with our Custom Media Cabinet build.  Even though most of our readers are DIYers and probably have some experience using table saws and cutting plywood, I threw together a video to show the basic techniques that I use when cutting plywood.  Just as there were some simple tricks we shared to get better results with our face frame, there are some equally beneficial approaches you can use to improve your results at the table saw.

Here are the basics on how to cut plywood:

– Use a pencil or pen to mark the plywood and then line the blade up with your mark being mindful of where the blade will impact the wood

– For cabinet pieces that are identical, they should be run through the saw one right after the other without any adjustments made to the fence to make sure they match

– Use a circular saw for cuts across long plywood boards

– Use a straight edge for more accurate circular saw cuts

– Avoid heavy cantilevered cuts with the circular saw.  Instead, make those cuts over a work table with spacers propping up the piece.

If you have any questions on anything you see in the video, don’t hesitate to ask.

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