In today’s post, you’ll learn: – How to make built-in cabinets – How to make a beaded face frame – What the build process for a cabinet looks like After spending the better part of a week and a half painting our home office, I’m finally down to the last couple of detail jobs. Although […]
Whenever I get a new newsletter subscriber, one of the first emails I send to them asks a basic question. “What would you like to see”? Recently, I’ve gotten at least a dozen replies specifically asking for more information on routers. Most express an interest in simply learning the basics about them. So, I’ve finally […]
In this week’s installment of Your Home from Scratch, we’re showing off Bobbi’s beautiful router table. It’s perfect timing since we just released our own set of free router table plans, although my table isn’t even in the same ballpark as Bobbi’s. Bobbi is one of our newsletter subscribers and I was excited when she offered […]
Well it’s been a couple months, but I’ve finally finished my latest set of free woodworking plans. This time it’s my simple router table. I first built this simple router table when I was adding raised panel wainscoting to our dining room. It’s not perfect, but it’s a lot better than those $100 tables you […]
You know that router table I’ve been talking about building for a while now? Well, I built it a couple weeks ago and today I’m guest blogging about it over at One Project Closer. Stop by, say hello and check out their great website!!
What a weekend! Got a lot done in the past few days. I was able to finish up my router table (more on that later this week) and finally get cracking on the getting those center panels cut and routed. We were also able to squeeze in some much needed R&R. The first thing I […]