Blog Posts

How to Build a Cabinet

With our face frames built, the plywood all dimensioned and cut out of the 4×8 sheets,  it’s time to machine and assemble the cabinets.  As I mentioned, I’m using dados and grooves.  Most of the pieces will receive some type of groove.  Here’s what the sides of the bottom cabinet look like with their grooves. […]

March 12th, 2013
Making Plywood Cut Sheets

Hey everybody!  Hope you all had a great weekend!  We made major progress on our built-ins.  The bottom cabinet is fully assembled and I’ll be working the top cabinet early this week.  To recap, last week we knocked out the doors and test fit them into the face frame.  This week’s post will start with […]

March 10th, 2013
How to Make Shaker Style Inset Cabinet Doors

Well, our built-in doors are done.  We’re going with a shaker style inset type door for the bottom cabinet.  It’s the same door style as in our first home’s kitchen and is the same style door in all the built-in photos we’ve been pinning.  What other options are there besides inset?  You can have 3/4 […]

March 6th, 2013
New Video: Adding a Center Divider

Hey gang!  Hope everyone had a great weekend!  We made some major headway on our built-in project this past weekend.  I’ve got the doors finished and the plywood for the boxes all cut.  All I’ve got left to do is machine the plywood with some grooves and dados and we’ll be assembling it.  So far […]

March 4th, 2013
Building Face Frames

Very happy to be building face frames back in the workshop, aka my basement!  To bring you up to speed, so far we picked an overall look of the design we want.  We then dimensioned the design based on where we’d like it and discussed the whole build process.  Next we designed the face frames […]

February 19th, 2013
Planning the Face Frames

Another planning post?  Yep.  We do a lot of planning around here, if you haven’t noticed.  I was itching to get started on actually cutting some lumber this weekend for our built-ins, but alas, it will have to wait until tomorrow.  I did buy all the poplar I’ll need for face frames though, so expect […]

February 17th, 2013
Grow your DIY Skills
Today is the day to start learning how to add value to your home.
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