New Video: How to Finish Drywall

April 27th, 2014

Hey gang,  it’s been well over a week since our last post and even longer since we last checked in with an office update.  Well, I’m happy to tell you that we’ve completed the long drywall finishing process and we’ve started priming and painting.  Pretty soon, we’ll be installing crown molding and moving onto furniture building.  It’s been four months since we ripped out the carpet to kick off the office renovation.  Getting the drywall done is a huge victory and having it out of the way will hopefully give us some momentum going forward.

While I was spackling (or mudding) the drywall, Lisa helped me out by being my cameraman or camera lady and we were able to capture the process of applying all three coats.  As promised, here is a video on how to finish drywall.  Keep in mind that this video is fairly long at nearly 22 minutes, but I take my time and show you exactly the process I follow.

 If you can’t see the video, you can use this link:

Some key takeaways:

– For better results, use both the chemically hardening joint compound and the air drying joint compound.  I personally prefer the “blue” bucket, which is the lightweight joint compound over the “green” bucket.

– Use the chemically curing compound for the first or the first and second coats.  Use the air drying for the second and third and any follow on coats.

– Use progressively wider knives.  Start with a 6″ wide knife for the first coat, a 10″ knife for the second and a 12″ or 14″ knife for the third and fourth coats.

– Don’t sand until right before you prime.  You shouldn’t have to sand between coats.

– Always prime the sanded drywall before painting.  Never put finish quality paint directly over the joint compound.

Are there any drywall finishing tips that you’d like to add?  Leave a comment below.

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